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Unity Christian Athletics



Unity Christian Athletics


Unity Christian Athletics


Game Summaries & Headlines.

Game Summary

5.0 years ago @ 12:01PM

Boys Varsity BOWLING vs. OPEN DATE

Game Date
Feb 9, 2019

Kurtis Montsma was the best of the boys at the Invitational for the Saders.  He scored a 224, 267 and 181 for a 672 series.  This was high enough to earn him 2nd place for the tournament.  Drake Dykstra and Jacob Piechocki were most consistent.  They scored within 11 pins for their high and low game.  Drake score 180, 178 and 189 for a 547 series.  Jacob scored 181, 181, and 191 for a 553 series.  Harrison Vanden Heuvel added a 236 in the 2nd regular game where the boys finished with 1023 total pins.  This one of their highest of the season.  Unfortunately, these scores were not high enough to get them into the finals.  Overall a good day with a disappointing ending.


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