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Archived from Fall 2018
Video from Fall Sports Parent Night Panel Discussion
At our Fall Sport Parent Night we had a panel discussion made up of parents, a grandparent, a college athlete, high school coaches, and high school athletic officials. Many found the discussion to be informative, so we wanted to pass on a link in case you were not in attendance and are interested in checking it out. Here is an introduction made by Jeff Engbers explaining the purpose/goals of the discussion: “Here we are about to start on another school year. You and your kids are investing much time and energy into the upcoming athletic seasons. I’d like to ask a few people their opinions about high school athletics at a Christian school to help reassure you of the following: 1. High School Athletics are worth it, 2. For you to hear about some of the benefits of participating in athletics, and 3. For you to see how we do athletics here at Unity Christian. My goal is to shed some light on how we challenge athletes, our pursuit of excellence, what it means to engage in the process, and the fostering of relationships.”
You can find the video here:
Part 1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5DILqaYzNiA&t=27s
Part 2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M92EMbmOgQc&t=36s