Unity Christian Athletics


Girls Varsity Volleyball

Information for the 2016 Volleyball Season

Welcome to Unity Volleyball!

Open Gyms: July 14 from 6p-8p LAST OPEN GYM BEFORE SEASON STARTS  

Calvin Team Camp: July 18-21 Freshman/JV teams from 4-7pm and Varsity from 7p-10p CONTACT COACH FOR SCHEDULE

Cornerstone Team Camp: July 22 9am JV and Varsity ONLY

Unity High School Camp: July 25-28 from 5pm-7pm REGISTER ONLINE

conditioning: August 8-9 from 9-10am

Tryouts: August 10-12

  • Varsity 8am-10am
  • JV 10am-12pm
  • Freshman 11am-1:30pm (short lunch break)

If needed, we will continue tryouts into the next week. This will not be determined until August 11 or 12.






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