Unity Christian Athletics


Girls JV Tennis

Game Summaries & Headlines.

Girls JV Tennis vs. Wyoming HS School

7.0 years ago @ 6:18PM
Game Date
May 9, 2017
CRUSADERSUnity Christian High School: 8

So today, turned out to be a really nice weather day on the tennis courts!  Yeah!  And it was the day I decided to really switch around the line up....and ALL the girls did well.  A clean sweep!  Way to go UC.  I always say it doesn't matter what spot you play...a win at #1 or #6 or #2 is the same...counts as 1 point!  And it was fun to see you girls work it out with the mix-up of partners and positions!  Thanks girls!

Katie did a devotion today on Focus, Strength, and Experience.  She spoke of spiritual battles, and using your spiritual tennis racquet.  Also to meditate on good things.  

Nice job today girls.  Coach G
