Game Summaries & Headlines.
Girls Varsity Bowling vs. Multiple Opponents
3.0 years ago @ 10:49PM
- Game Date
- Jan 8, 2022
In a tournament that featured 18 schools, 5 Division 1, 6 Division 2, 5 Division 3 and 2 Division 4, the girls qualified 1st by 24 pins. This guaranteed them 1st or 2nd place in the tournament by virtue of the step ladder finals.
Led by senior Alyssa Ridder, who finished 5th overall, the girls put together the best tournament they have bowled overall since the 2016 state runner up team. They put up their best regular game average outside of the Hudsonville Tournaments and their best aver baker game scores since 2016. All this led them to a runner up finish. After tying Hudsonville in the frist baker game of the final, they came up 13 pins short in the second to finish in second place.
High games for the day
Alyssa Ridder 200, 190
Madison Schrotenboer 172
Marissa Stanton 175
Lauren Vander Maas 170