Game Summaries & Headlines.
Girls Varsity Bowling vs. Coopersville HS School
3.0 years ago @ 11:12PM
- Game Date
- Dec 15, 2021
- Score
- CRUSADERSUnity Christian High School: 23
The girls beat Coopersville 23-7. The score was much closer than it looks. All 5 regular games were close in the the second regular match. Most games came down to the 10th frame. After the 3rd bowler, the girls were guaranteed a tie. The 4th bowler cemented the win and Lauren Vander Maas threw in the final nail with her 183 game. That gave Unity 5 more points by taking her point by 4 pins and the total pins 4 points by 12. Also bowling well in the match was Nat
Mercer with a 167