Unity Christian Athletics


Girls Varsity Bowling

Game Summaries & Headlines.

Girls Varsity BOWLING vs. OPEN DATE

6.0 years ago @ 12:24PM
Game Date
Feb 9, 2019

The girls started the Invitational in 4th place after the first regular game.  Sydney Jeurink led the team with  fine 186 and Alyssa Ridder added a 164 in that gme as well.  Both girls were 20+ pins over their season averages.  Sydney left half way through the second game to got to her solo and ensemble for band.  This left the coaches with a look at next year's team.  Jenna Levering led the second game with a 166, also 20+ pins over her average.  Rachel Cremer picked up where Sydney left off in that game and combined they finished with a 162.  This was still good enough for 4th place.  In the third game Jenna Levering threw a 177 and Rachel Cremer threw a 172 keeping them solidly in 3rd place.  Then came the fun.  With the new look next year's team running the baker games, they started off with a 189 and a 197.  Sydney's return was greeted with a 126, but the girls still remained in third place.  After the 5 baker games were complete, the girls remained in 3rd place allowing them to move on to the playoffs in which only the top 4 advanced.  Facing off against Rockford the girls dug a 39 pin hole they could not overcome.  They finished in 3rd place.  All in all a great day considering they were the only Division 3 school to make the playoffs among 6 Division 1 and 2 Division schools.  It is a nice look at things to come in the next few weeks.

