Game Summaries & Headlines.
Girls Varsity Soccer vs. Zeeland West
7.0 years ago @ 9:44PM
- Game Date
- May 12, 2017
- Score
- CRUSADERSUnity Christian High School: 4
In a key OK Green Conference clash the Crusaders welcomed the Dux of Zeeland West to Unity field and came away with a 4-1 win. Kisa Seerveld tallied 2 quick goals before Zeeland scored. Lexi Ponstein followed with a goal to give UC a 3-1 halftime lead. Dana Johnson added a second half goal. Lexi Ponstein and Rylee Vruggink each had 2 assists on the day. MeKenna VanKoevering, Grace DeYoung, and Katrina Goebel adjusted nicely to some early ZW pressure and kept the Dux in check for the final 66 minutes. Rose Thompson stepped in between the pipes and played well after Emily Ponstein left the game with an injury.