Unity Christian Athletics


Boys JV Tennis

Game Summaries & Headlines.

Boys JV Tennis vs. LOWELL

5.0 years ago @ 8:30PM
Game Date
Aug 26, 2019
CRUSADERSUnity Christian High School: 0

Wasn't sure how to score this match...!  We won two matches 8-2.  Another one was 7-4, and 6-5.  So I call that 4 wins!  But other matches were also still going on....we were down a little...5-6, 4-5, 2-6, 1-4.  We possibly were coming back to win.  We will never know.  Do I score it as a 4-4 tie?  We had not finished, so I went with 0-0.

But great job with the wind and eventual rain today.  Sorry not everyone was able to play.  The rain spoiled our fun!  Thanks again for being team players.
