Game Summaries & Headlines.
Boys Varsity Bowling vs. Multiple Opponents
1 year ago @ 11:17AM
- Game Date
- Feb 16, 2024
The bos finished off the conference season in the same fashion they started it. They won the post season conference tournament. They held off a strong Coopersville team who handed them their only defeat so far on the season. They led by 139 pins coming out of the 3 regular games. Coopersville made up 85 of those pins cutting their lead to 54 after the 1st 2 baker games, but then they took back 48 pins in the 3rd. The 4th baker saw them give back 27, but that was not enough to give Cooperville the victory. The boys prevailed and gave them the tournament championship and the conference championship as well.
Conrats to the boys on a great confernce season.
Notable scores
Elijah Corner - 237
Lucas Van Maanen - 180
Logan Spoolstra - 196
Cam Vruggink - 203, 189, 194