Unity Christian Athletics


Boys Varsity Bowling

Game Summaries & Headlines.

Boys Varsity Bowling vs. Coopersville HS School

1 year ago @ 8:23AM
Game Date
Jan 24, 2024
CRUSADERSUnity Christian High School: 5.00

Boys snapped their undefeated streak at Ravenna on Wednesday.  Coopersville came out hot taking both baker games with duplicate 192 scores.  The Saders bowled over their season average in the bakers, but Coopersville had better games.  Needing to take almost all of the remaining points, the boys had a good first regular game, throwing a 913 total.  This inclded a 221 from Elijah Corner, a 199 from Cam Vruggink and a 181 from Lucas VanMaanen.  They took all 3 of those points.  Normally when you take 3 match points you get total.  Matt Wolbrink III decided to start his game with 11 strikes in a row a finished with a heartbreaking 8 count on his last ball in the 10th frame to finish with a 298.  This was roughly 130 pins over his conference season average.  That score gave them total by 75 pins.  With the match in hand, Coopersville continued their hot streak.  They threw 3 - 200 games, including a 235 from Matt Wolbrink III to cap off his day with a 533 series.  Possibly the best conference series so far this season.  Lost in the sadness of their 1st loss of the season, Elijah Corner rolled a 186 to record his high series 407 for the season and Cam Vruggink finished with a 367 for his highest series on the season.  

However, with the boys loss to Coopersville 25-5 they are still tops in the conference with a 7-1 record.  Giving them a 2 game lead over Coopersville going into the final 2 regular season games and the post season tournament to determine the conference championship.

