Game Summaries & Headlines.
Boys Varsity Bowling vs. Fruitport HS School
1 year ago @ 10:58AM
- Game Date
- Jan 10, 2024
- Score
- CRUSADERSUnity Christian High School: 19.00
Boys bowling remained undefeated following their victory over Fruitport. The boys started off taking all 10 baker points. Then, led by Lucas VanMaanen who bowled a 200 game, Elijah Corner who added a 192 and Isaac Dykstra adding a 184, they took 8 of the 9 points available in the first baker game. This gave them enough points for the win. The boys then had a slight let down and only took 1 point in the final game.
Other scores of note in the varsity match
Lucas VanMaanen - 191
JV notes
The JV boys traveled to Fruitport for their only away match of the season. They defeated Fruitport behind some great bowling from their anchor Micah Bruggink who bowled a 189 in the final regular game, his highest score of the season and Noah Brinks who rolled and incredible 184. This was his personal best and his best series of the season. The JV boys on 17-13.