Game Summaries & Headlines.
Boys Varsity Bowling vs. OPEN
2.0 years ago @ 6:26PM
- Game Date
- Feb 23, 2023
Boys bowling takes home the Regional title in a nail biter. The boys led wire to wire. After starting the day off with a 159 baker game, the boys started rolling and averaged over 192 in their 8 baker games including three 200 games (219, 240, 208) and two 190 games (192, 196). This gave them a slim lead of Portland going into the 2 regular games. The 1st was a nice 888 game to increase that slim lead to 31. But the surprise of the day was Orchard View. They came out of nowhere in 3rd place and finished the last regular game with a 984. This forced the boys to throw a 852 to retain 1st place as they led Orchard View by 133 pins. The first place finish came down to Kyler Hinken in the 10th frame. With a spare in the 9th. Kyler only needed to mark and have big count in the 10th. Kyler threw a strike on the 1st ball in the 10th and only needed 6 pins to secure 1st place and the trophy he wanted. He threw a great pocket shot and left the ugly 7-10 split. But that was enough to guarantee them 1st place. They finished with a 855 and took the title over Orchard View by 4 pins. Assistant coach Kenny Springett to the AD in the fall that he was bringing a Regional title this season and he did not disappoint.