Unity Christian Athletics


Boys Varsity Bowling

Game Summaries & Headlines.

Boys Varsity Bowling vs. OPEN

2.0 years ago @ 10:01PM
Game Date
Feb 4, 2023
CRUSADERSUnity Christian High School: 0.00
OPEN: 0.00

Boys finished 6th on Saturday at the Hudsonville Invitational.  They bowled well.  They shot a 956 regular.  This included games by Nick DeBodde - 179, Jarrett Febus - 234, Lucas Van Maanen - 188 and Kyler Hinken 205.  Lucas and Kyler shot well the 2nd game as well, 182 and 199 respectively.  The great part of the day was the baker games.  They shot a 226 and did not have a game under 160.  Not bad against almost all division 1 and 2 schools.
