Unity Christian Athletics


Boys Varsity Bowling

Game Summaries & Headlines.

Boys Varsity Bowling vs. Allendale HS School

2.0 years ago @ 2:46PM
Game Date
Dec 7, 2022
CRUSADERSUnity Christian High School: 11.00

In their 2nd match of the season against conference foe Allendale, the boys showed up on Wednesday with 2 regular games that were better than all but 2 of their regular games all of last year.  With 7 of the 10 possible scores over 185 you would expect that the boys rolled over Allendale.  However, that was not the case.  Allendale led 8-2 after the baker games.  After the 1st regular game that saw 3 games over 200 by Kyler Hinken, Ephraim Dykstra and Will Anama and a 191 by Jarrett Febus.  The boys were still down 14 - 5.  Peyton Selk threw a 252 to lead the Allendale team and Sean Jenkins joined in with a 206.  This was enough to lift them to a larger lead despite the Unity crew throwing the best game of the year.  Needing to take all of the remaining available points, Unity gave it a good try.  Going into the 8th frame it was still a possibiliy.  Lucas VanMaanen threw a 194.  Ephraim Dykstra added a 187, and Jarret Febus threw a 199, but the boys still came up short.  Unity lost to Allendale 11-19. 
