Game Summaries & Headlines.
Boys Varsity BOWLING vs. Multiple Opponents
5.0 years ago @ 8:55AM
- Game Date
- Feb 22, 2020
The boys opened up the tournament just like finished the conference season. They came out blazing. Led by Jared Haverdink and Drake Dykstra, they started with a 999 regular game. The second game was even better. This time it was Kurtis Montsma and Drake Dykstra leading the way to a 1020 game. The last game, though not as good as the 2nd, was still better than the 1st. Kurtis Montsma and Jacob Piechocki this time led the team to a 1002 game. This gave them a 3021 total for the regular games. That is an average of 201.4 per bowler for all 15 games and a 1007 average for team. That eclipsed their season average by over 90 pins per game. The boys really stepped it up.
They didn't stop with the regular games. The baker games were equally better. 182,212,204 and 157 for a 755 total. This was over their season average by 21 pins per game.
After the dust cleared, the boys finished 2nd in the tournament. This finish allowed Byron Center to tie Thornapple Kellogg for the conference lead in points and with Byron Center's tournament win, they took the overall conference title. Because the conference is split between Green and Gold, if the host conference, Green, wins the conference title the highest Gold conference team takes the Gold Conference title and the overall winner takes home the Green title. With this in place, Thornapple Kellogg took the Gold Conference title.
After all of the bowling was completed, the All tournament team was annouced. The top ten scorers in the tournament were given medals. Finishing in 10th place was Drake Dykstra with a 604 series. Finishing in 5th was Kurtis Montsma with a 693 series. The top scorer for the Tournament was Trevor Van Polen from Thornapple. He finished with a 741 series
Also determined at the tournament was the All-Conference team and honorable mention. This was determined by the conference season average. The tope 13 averages were considered All-Conference team and the next 7 received honorable mention. We put 3 bowlers on the All-Conference team, Jacob Piechocki (6th, 205.62 ave), Kurtis Montsma (9th, 197.19 ave) and Drake Dykstra (13th, 187.03 ave). Jared Haverdink received and honorable mention (20th 180.18 ave).
Congratulations to all of the boys this season. It was an amazing season in conference. Looking forward to regionals this weekend.