Game Summaries & Headlines.
Boys Varsity BOWLING vs. Zeeland East HS School
7.0 years ago @ 7:19AM
- Game Date
- Feb 5, 2018
- Score
- CRUSADERSUnity Christian High School: 9
The boys bowled well against Zeeland on Monday. They were shutout in the baker games even though they had games of 183 and 202. In the first regular game they came back and took 7 of 9 points to keep their hopes alive. 4 boys scored over 200 for that games and they bowled a 992 total for the 5 boys. The second game was not so nice. They boys struggled and Zeeland came out swinging. They scored a 1039 total with their final 3 bowlers scoring over 200, including a 257 and a 240. Zeeland outlasted Unity 21-9.
Notable scores
Harrison Vanden Heuvel - 210
Jacob Piechocki - 211
Kurtis Montsma - 211, 199
Landon Vos - 201